One of the missions of Premedix Clinic is to implement the revolutionary approach of PRECISION MEDICINE into clinical practice in Slovakia.

Premedix clinic is closely linked to the non-profit biomedical organization PREMEDIX ACADEMY, which both conducts its own biomedical research and provides continuing medical education for our physicians. By investing in quality accredited education, we can guarantee that our patients will be in the hands of professionals with the highest degree of professional skill and knowledge, with an in-depth understanding of new advances in contemporary medicine and development.

Since 2016, Premedix Academy has managed to establish collaborations and official partnerships with research and educational institutions in Slovakia and abroad, thereby allowing the organization to maintain a high standard of educational and research activities. Our research projects are extensively dedicated to cardiovascular diseases, with research on atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia and a major risk factor for stroke, at the forefront. In no small part, we are focusing our research on the use of artificial intelligence in medicine and the development of machine learning algorithms designed to diagnose coronary heart disease using a smartphone app. For example, machine learning algorithms have great potential to help determine the prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction, or to contribute to improving the early diagnosis of serious complications of some cardiovascular diseases, such as cardiogenic shock.

All the findings from our research aim to enrich the tools of preventive cardiovascular medicine, which in the future will mean a huge advance in the level of care for patients and, first and foremost, for patients at high risk of developing heart disease.
