STOP AHF: Telemonitoring of Heart Failure patients

Helping patients with heart failure: Prevention of acute heart failure hospitalizations

Are you a patient diagnosed with heart failure?
If you have health insurance with the company Dôvera, you can participate in a research study and receive telemonitoring care at no cost. If you are not insured with Dôvera health insurance, or if you are not a suitable candidate to take part in the study, you can enroll in a program of superior cardiac care with telemonitoring for patients with heart failure - at the cost of standard cardiac care.

Discover whether you are a suitable candidate for our program:

Qualification for the program?

  • You are insured with the health insurance company Dôvera
  • You are above 18 years old
  • You have a diagnosis of heart failure (Stage: NYHA III)
  • You have a smartphone and own a blood pressure monitor
  • You are willing to come to our clinic (Bratislava or Košice)
  • You are willing to take regular measurements with a Seerlinq device

What are the benefits of participating in the study?

  • You will receive free care for the duration of the study at our clinic (i.e., 1 year, with 6 months of monitoring)
  • Your health condition will be kept under control
  • Your participation in the study will also help many other patients

What does it mean to be a participant in the study?

  • Visiting the medical center at Premedix Clinic (or a collaborating clinic in Košice) a total of at least 4 times during the duration of the study, which will be 1 year
  • An interview with the doctor in which he/she will explain in detail all the study procedures and sign an informed consent for the study with you
  • Blood draw, ECG, ECHO of the heart, interview with the doctor and completion of two questionnaires regarding your quality of life
  • Training on how to use the Seerlinq device and smartphone app

Is the measurement safe?

The measurement is completely safe and in principle identical to measuring blood oxygen saturation. There are no known health or other risks associated with the measurement of the PPG (photoplethysmographic) signal with the Seerlinq oximeter device. Telemedical monitoring is non-invasive, painless and safe. It also allows the attending physician to remotely monitor your health status in real time.

Can participating in the study affect your current health care?

Your participation in the research does not affect your health care directly. Participating in the study will potentially improve your health care when you are enrolled in the monitoring arm. Monitoring allows you to catch deterioration in your condition early and therefore prevent hospitalisation, improve your quality of life and extend your life expectancy.

If you are interested, please contact us at 0950 721 660 (Bratislava) or 0948 789 826 (Košice), where we will verify in a short conversation whether you are indeed a suitable participant and arrange a date for your personal visit.

In case of contacting us by e-mail, please write to:
