Oncological prevention center

Comprehensive cancer prevention for early diagnosis and sustainable health.

MUDr. Barbora Dobiašová

Our Oncological Prevention Program offers a thorough screening process designed to detect potential cancer risks early. Through detailed consultations, advanced lab tests, and targeted imaging, we provide a comprehensive health overview. You'll receive a personalized medical report within three weeks, with options for follow-up consultations to discuss your results. This program empowers you to take proactive steps in cancer prevention, offering peace of mind and expert guidance.

Our Cancer Prevention Program results in a comprehensive medical report about your current cancer predispositions.

The process of diagnostics

  • Interview with taking a detailed medical history with a focus on genetic risk
  • Review of documentation brought in
  • Basic physical and anthropometric examination
  • Laboratory examination of blood, urine, stool
  • Imaging examinations - abdominal and thyroid ultrasound, breasts (women), testes (men)
  • Summary of findings with recommendations for further action


A completed medical report will be sent within 3 weeks of the patient's examination by his/her preferred method (mail, email). If desired, the conclusions of the results and recommendations can be consulted by telephone and in person by a follow-up visit to the outpatient clinic.

A negative examination result does not mean that cancer cannot develop in the future or in organs that were not included in the examination. Our examination is not a substitute for recommended preventive examinations or examinations at specialist practices, as long as you are monitored in such practices.
